Tuesday, September 6, 2011

human values world view

July 20, 2009

            I view the world as a place where people do what they need to do to survive. The world is survival of the fittest no matter where you are on this planet and what your struggles are if you cannot meet those challenges you don’t survive. If you are homeless or jobless this world doesn’t care about you. We aren’t much different from animals if you cannot compete then you don’t survive very long. There are people that go out of their way to help others but they are so few in number even fewer do it just because they feel it is the right thing to do many do it because it may help with their taxes or make them look good in the public eye or some other motivation that is based on themselves. I don’t believe in anything really at all except what is best for me, I focus on me and what is best for me no one else why should I think of others. I don’t know why I am only concerned with myself and I don’t know when this selfish thought process began but I know that it just feels right. It feels more natural to be concerned about myself then others.

            I am not at all religious I don’t believe in a god at all I don’t see the point I believe the idea of a god was thought up by people smart enough to know that most people are basically stupid and would believe what they were told. Those same people used the idea of a god to scare the masses and take control over the larger group of people. I think people hold onto religion because they are afraid to admit to them that this is all there is to life and no one cares about them. All they truly have in life is they and that scares people so they hold onto this idea of an all loving god. I don’t hold any values dear or close to me if it will suit my needs I will do what needs to be done. And I expect all people I deal will to react in the same way personal self interest isn’t a bad thing even though we are all taught that it is. I respect a person who is motivated by doing what is best for them.

            I think that I should have everything that I want in the world and I am willing to do what I have to to achieve it because I don’t believe anything should be handed out to anyone. But since I am motivated by self interest I am not adverse to taking a hand out either it is strange because I am a hypocrisy and I realize that and have no problem with it. Something I don’t think another person should be given I will take just as easily if offered to me because it benefits me. The world is an unforgiving thing if you fail no one will help you or even care. The world is a harsh place to live every corner or the world there are people that are struggling to survive they don’t have the very basic needs to survive food water shelter. And there are places that have these things in abundance and don’t even think of giving the people that need these things to them or at least not enough to survive on just enough to stave off death for a little while longer. This sounds horrible but that what people do we naturally care about ourselves more than others we are greedy and when we have we don’t want to give we want more more more and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that I believe it is actually more natural then helping another person survive.

            People are always competing with one and another we seem to have a natural drive to dominate another group or species, why is it strange or wrong to realize that we only do the things we do to benefit ourselves. Natural selection is a driving factor in evolution and it is in its basic form all about dominating in an ecosystem. The person that is most successful has best mating opportunities and best access to the basics of survival. Why do woman try to look more attractive and why do men try to show off their car of whatever else they have of value, I believe these actions are a basic instinct to dominate or compete with other members of our species in order to better survive and spread their DNA. My view of the world seems very negative and pessimistic but I don’t really see it that way I look at it in more of a realistic view. Life is not fair this is a fact in life but it is wrong or maybe unfair for me to admit that I do everything in my life for myself it just doesn’t make any sense to me. If the world is not fair then why should I be fair or care about other people doesn’t it make more sense to be concerned about only yourself in a world that is clearly not fair?

            I fully expect the people I come in contact with to do what is best for them and I know that this sometimes means that it won’t be what is best for me. So with everybody I meet I maintain a distance a certain level of distrust. I also maintain what could be considered a quick release from the relationship in the event that my needs to align themselves with the person I am associated with. It sounds bad but the truth of the matter is can you truly trust someone completely, no you can’t because people are capable of doing anything a person you have known and trusted your entire life could be a person to rob you if they felt the need to do so, or the person you love could turn out to have been cheating on you for as long as you have been together. Trust is something no one should ever give to someone completely a person should always stay on their toes about a person in their life.

            I would have to say that a lot of what I have been taught I have rejected. The idea that god loves you people are good and honesty is important I would have to say I do not believe any of that. The reality as I see it is that we are told things like that by the people who control the masses business leaders government officials and religious leaders all feed that stuff to us so they can maintain their place in power which I can’t be mad at them for it good for them, but I want to put myself into a powerful position so instead of being a follower I decided to do what is necessary to succeed and not care about other people. People are taught certain things at very young ages so young that they aren’t able to create an argument against it and so they grow up believing what they were told without questioning it that is why so many people still believe in god because they were told he was real. Our culture teaches that people should be good and help each other but we often do not practice what we preach, we talk about how good it is to help people and then tell the homeless person asking for food to get a job. Why teach that giving is good when it goes against our natural instincts to give to another person?

            People say they value justice or honesty but in reality they only like to say they do. When a person is accused of a crime they are instantly marked as guilty without a trial or anything justice isn’t important people are more concerned with revenge than anything else. People are only honest when it suits their needs people have no trouble lying if it benefits them. People are only concerned with what pleases them and we create this unrealistic view of what we humans beings truly care about because we don’t like being falsely accused or lied to but when it comes down to it we have no trouble accusing someone without evidence or lying to save our own ass. So all people are only truly concerned about themselves whether or not they admit it. I am just one of the few that will admit that I am more important than anyone else.

            I believe the world would be a better place if we would all just admit that the only concern we have is for ourselves. If we did this religion business and government would not be able to control the masses in the way that they do. What is right and wrong would cease to exist it would simply become what is best for me and even though that may sound like chaos there would be a natural order to things because people even today still do what is best for them. If you allow everyone to do what is best for themselves without any social consequences people would be able to reach their full potential.


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